A short film about Richard Bistrong’s journey through the dark side of international business, “getting caught” and what that might mean for today’s compliance challenges.
A recent conversation between Richard Bistrong and CCI’s publisher, Maurice Gilbert:
MG: Richard, I recently watched this video where you share the experience of being sentenced by a Federal Judge. I found it to be a very resonating and personal reflection. Why would you decide to share your story in such a public forum?
RB: Thank you, Maurice. As you well know, I have been writing both on my own blog, and guest writing, where CCI was one of my first engagements, about my experience on the front-lines of international business in the context of today’s anti-bribery compliance challenges. As a result of those articles, I am often asked, “Do you have anything which our teams can watch where you share your story?” So about a six months ago a very talented videographer, Alain Pirot, was filming me for an anti-corruption documentary which aired in France, and he basically said “Richard, your story is really interesting. How about when I come back to the U.S., that we do some filming so you can share it with others.”
RB: Well, he really meant it, and around six months ago, when Alain was visiting the U.S., he came to my home, and we filmed this work, which thanks to his support and talent, is now available to be viewed. And Maurice, thank you for thinking of it, and me, as bringing value to the CCI community.