
Investment in Compliance Professionals Rising Too Slowly to Meet Increasing Compliance Risk: Deloitte/Compliance Week Survey

Investment in Compliance Professionals Rising Too Slowly to Meet Increasing Compliance Risk: Deloitte/Compliance Week Survey

The “In Focus: Compliance Trends Survey 2014” report was a joint effort between Deloitte and Compliance Week. Executives were surveyed across functions including ethics, compliance, risk management, and governance and across multiple industries, and the results are clear: findings underscore the growing scope and complexity of the modern corporate compliance function. And while focus on compliance is growing, it's not...

Kaliva /

China’s Aggressive Enforcement of Domestic Corruption Laws

In China, FCPA violations are rampant, and maintaining compliance is no picnic. Despite its relatively moderate ranking on the Corruption Perceptions Index, China is arguably among the worst offenders; between the government’s stronghold on the marketplace and the lack of financial controls, bribery of government officials has been commonplace. Until now. Recently, the country’s president began an assault on corruption,...

Hitting the Ground Running – Your First 100 Days as a New CCO

Hitting the Ground Running – Your First 100 Days as a New CCO

The changes Presidents bring to pass in their first 100 days in office have long been the measure of their success early on. Like our commanders in chief, our CCOs should aim to hit the ground running, quickly establishing themselves as champions of ethics and compliance. The first orders of business for new CCOs: use all resources available to you...

Financial Services to Test the Waters of Social Media Testimonials

Financial Services to Test the Waters of Social Media Testimonials

Until very recently, social media testimonials or endorsements from clients were strictly off limits to financial advisers. And since consumers mine social media for reviews on all manner of service providers, the financial services industry has been at a bit of a disadvantage, unable to benefit from clients’ shared positive experiences. The industry has earnestly sought guidance from the SEC...

Improving Compliance with Data Science

Improving Compliance with Data Science

Life sciences organizations face significant challenges with regard to risk management. One solution to minimizing risk may be better “big data” management, including forensic data analytics to mine mountains of data for indicators of fraud or corruption. Competitively speaking, there is immense power in big data...though that must be done with an eye on risk.

Data on the Move: The Evolution of Mobile Tech and Compliance

Data on the Move: The Evolution of Mobile Tech and Compliance

Bring your own device (BYOD) policies can be an initial cost saver for organizations, though the practice can definitely complicate things from a security and compliance perspective, especially since there is such a diverse range of mobile devices on the market, and each new iteration of smartphone or tablet captures and stores information differently.

Josh Withers /

The Red-Headed Stranger and the Arachnys Open Data Compass

I thought about Willie Nelson when I came across a recent release by the UK company Arachnys Information Services Ltd (Arachnys), entitled Open Data Compass, about their tool designed to help businesses identify "information blind spots and evaluate online access to corporate, litigation and news records from emerging markets."

Who Was Occam? And Why Did He Need a Razor?

Who Was Occam? And Why Did He Need a Razor?

In April, as decreed by the Church of England, we commemorate the life of William of Ockham, an English Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher who has influenced modern organizational theory—but not enough. Peter Drucker’s medieval counterpart offered the observation that “entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity,” although ...

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