Shari Katz and Gina Chaoanw

Shari Katz and Gina Chaoanw

Shari Katz leads Protiviti's SOX Champions Network and supports Protiviti’s Internal Audit professionals through knowledge management, methodology development, technical expertise and training. With over 25 years of experience, she builds knowledge capital around internal audit hot topics, creates technical training for Protiviti Internal Audit professionals and serves her colleagues as a knowledge resource on a variety of internal audit topics.
Gina Chaoanw is a Senior Manager with Protiviti’s Internal Audit and Financial Advisory practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. Over the last eight years, her primary focus has been performing a combination of internal audit services across multiple industries, including financial services, homebuilding, hospitality and services, real estate and investment trust (REIT) and consumer products. Her experiences within these industries include planning, managing and executing various SOX compliance audits, internal audits, fraud risk assessment reviews, operational audits and public company transformation/readiness assessments.