Sandra Erez

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Sandra Erez

Born and raised in Long Island, Sandra Erez says she teeters precipitously between doing what is right and what is revolutionary – and usually ends up somewhere in the middle. She was the first to break the 1970 school dress code and wear pants (and moccasins) to her elementary school graduation and says she continues to scoff at protocol whenever possible. She followed an ad hoc life plan that spanned industries and continents while pursuing a dream of becoming a history/archaeology researcher, but later ditched the ivory tower for the world of high-tech.  Never at a loss for words, she says, “Years of business travel made it easy to hide from my 5 children!” 

Recently surfacing as director of U.S. compliance for VinciWorks, she’s still searching, but this time for stories to tell (breaches in protocol are her specialty). Sandy has a particular interest in improving businesses’ whistleblowing reporting procedures, protecting personal data and changing employers’ attitudes toward sexual harassment and diversitySandy likes to tell it like it is – like it or not.

Reach her at or find her on Twitter: @SandyErez.

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