Phil Binkow

Phil Binkow

Phil Binkow CEO TAPNPhil Binkow is Founder and CEO of Financial Operations Networks (FON).  FON focuses on accounts payable and vendor service software applications with its automated InvoiceInfo invoice-status tracking and vendor on-boarding software-as-a-service. In 2002, FON founded The Accounts Payable Network (TAPN) and The Accounts Receivable Network (TARN), leading educational resources for executives with financial management responsibility.  Prior to starting Financial Operations Networks, Mr. Binkow founded and served as CEO of PayTECH, an electronic payables processing, disbursements and information services provider serving Fortune 500 and other companies.  He holds a B.A. in Economics from Stetson University and an M.B.A. in Operations Management from the University of Florida. Mr. Binkow can be reached at