Ben Herskowitz and Todd Rahn

Ben Herskowitz and Todd Rahn

Ben Herskowitz is a senior managing director in FTI Consulting’s ESG & sustainability advisory and broader financial communications practice. Herskowitz has extensive experience providing counsel to pre-IPO and public company management teams seeking to develop or enhance their existing ESG and sustainability strategy and associated execution efforts. His experience includes crafting complex multi-stakeholder sustainability strategies with various objectives in mind, including strengthening and diversifying the shareholder base, targeted ratings improvement and helping companies respond to the TCFD’s recommendations, prepare for related regulatory developments and implement net zero and broader climate strategies.
Todd Rahn, senior managing director at FTI Consulting, has more than 23 years of audit, accounting and advisory experience. He is often engaged by corporate clients on a variety of accounting advisory matters, including the application of accounting and auditing standards, operational topics such as internal reporting and the structure and strategy of the finance organization, evaluating financing alternatives and related reporting, planning for and evaluating the impact and disclosure of transactions, the application and response to SEC regulations and investigations, financial restatements, accounting litigation and disputes, adopting new accounting standards and responding to auditor requests.